About Me


my name is patrick and thats pretty much all I should state here. currently 19 and I am studying computer science. I've been doing a lot of web exploring recently which has inspired me to pull out my rusty HTML and CSS skills and create this mess. Whether you know me in real life or found me on some random forum this place serves as a personal site/project which I plan on expanding and adding more features to. I got a lot of intrests in a variety of topics which I plan on elaborating further on in the future. Anyway here are a few bio things.


Philosophy, Theology, Metaphysics, Conspiracy theories, Cryptids, folklore, Psychological Horror, Obscure media, vaporwave/simular genres, nature, and other cool stuff


Art, Games, Reading, lifting, snowboarding, skateboarding, fishing, Coding, bothering people

thanks for stopping by!!